Photographer / Designer

Pete Rompf

I got started photography in 1972, I spent 22 years active duty, US Army, Iraq veteran, Teacher 15 years, Francis Lewis H.S. Queens NY.

I retired in 2016 and have been doing photography as a passion since. My favorite subjects to photograph, Raptors, especially Eagles, Black and Brown Bears (Tennessee and Alaska), Moose (Northeast and Alaska), Buffalo, Elk, and Fox.

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About Me

Have camera will travel!

I have been involved with photography since 1973, when I took it as an elective in High School. I purchased a Nikon FTN SLR camera. Soon I had my own darkroom developing and printing pictures. I purchased some studio lights and explored portraits. It was fun and educational.  I took action sports pictures, landscapes, old buildings, seascapes and some wildlife.

I joined the military and retired after 22 years of active duty. I am also an Iraq combat veteran. I was still young enough and with the degree I achieved while going to college in the military, I taught in a High School in Queens, New York for 15 years. I was an Army Master Fitness Trainer, and A Certified Personal Trainer. I have also published a book on PTSD. After my second retirement, and with much encouragement from my wife, I was devoted to photography again. The knowledge never left me and with the new digital SLR cameras, photography was my therapy. Moving from Long Island to upstate New York, landscapes, sunrise/sunsets, and wildlife was a dream come true.

I learned a vast amount from fellow photographers, the internet, workshops, and college courses at the local University. I have traveled with my wife to Alaska, Newfoundland, Labrador, Africa, and many states in the US to pursue photography. These photography travels had become quite rewarding! I still have respect for and practice Black & White photography.

I have had many pictures published in the magazine Universal Color Photography and The Best of Noir Black & White photography, winning Photographer of the year in both magazines. I have also had my pictures published several times in Photography Masterclass Magazine! I am pound to announce I am being interviewed as the featured photographer for the month of March 2024 in the Magazine, Universal Color Photography!  Please also check out my Facebook page, which is “Pete Rompf” thank you!

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